
Testing the ESL Language Test Section of eGrader‬

Testing the ESL Language Test Section of eGrader‬

eGrader ESL Language Test – Experimenting the Applications‬ ‭ By Aija Lund, Special Education Expert and Educator

‭‭ This article is based on a Finnish teacher's experience with the eGrader ESL Language Test‬

‭ and has been translated into English.‬

‭Testing the ESL Language Test Section of  eGrader‬

‭ For over 20 years, I have conducted literacy assessments with learners of various ages and‬

‭ backgrounds in Finland. While the purposes of these assessments have varied, one constant‬

‭ has been my commitment to identifying individual strengths alongside skill gaps. To achieve this‬

‭ balance, I employ diverse tools rather than relying on a fixed set of tests.‬

‭ For native Finnish learners under 16, there are many standardized tests available. However, for‬

‭ teenagers, adults, and learners with immigrant backgrounds, the availability of suitable‬

‭ assessments has been – and in some cases still is – quite limited. I am pleased to say that the‬

‭ new ESL language test section of eGrader is improving this situation — thank you for that! The‬

‭ test can also be utilized to assess school readiness by evaluating foundational concepts and‬

‭ comprehension skills essential for academic success.‬

‭ I have tested this new section with learners across different age groups: elementary school‬

‭ Finnish as a second language students, adults (with immigrant backgrounds) referred to me for‬

‭ literacy assessments, and, as of January, vocational upper secondary Finnish as a second‬

‭ language students. This article focuses on my experience with the latter group.‬

‭ What is eGrader?‬

‭ eGrader is a digital assessment tool designed to evaluate reading, writing, mathematical, and‬

‭ language proficiency skills while also aiding in the identification of learning difficulties. The tool is‬

‭ versatile, allowing for both individual and group administration, either in-person under‬

‭ supervision or remotely in a self-guided setting.‬

‭ The ESL language test section of eGrader focuses on language proficiency and includes the‬

‭ following parts:‬

● Comprehension‬

● Functional vocabulary for daily communication‬

● Contextual descriptions related of everyday activities‬

● Letters and general vocabulary‬

● Logical reasoning and problem-solving‬

‭‭ Nearly all tasks include visual aids and the option to replay audio, enhancing accessibility for a‬

‭ diverse range of learners. The test is available in English, Spanish, German, Finnish, and‬

‭ Swedish, making it a flexible tool for multilingual learning environments.‬

‭ Pilot Test with Vocational Students‬

‭ For this pilot at a vocational school, students were selected by the special education teacher at‬

‭ their campus. My role involved introducing the test, facilitating the assessments, and providing‬

‭ feedback. I contacted the students through a standardized message on Wilma, a widely used‬

‭ communication and student management platform in Finland, explaining the background of‬

‭ eGrader and providing a pre-set date and location for an assessment.‬

‭ Two students participated in the pilot: one completed the test remotely from home, and the other‬

‭ completed it in a supervised setting with me. This setup allowed me to compare the efficacy of‬

‭ these different administration methods.‬

‭ The remote student was guided through detailed instructions and screenshots sent via Wilma.‬

‭ Although they initially misunderstood some of the tasks, a follow-up with clarified instructions‬

‭ resolved these issues. This highlights the importance of precise, step-by-step guidance when‬

‭ administering the test remotely.‬

‭ The on-site student completed the assessment in a quiet environment with my supervision.‬

‭ Upon viewing the scope of the language proficiency tasks, they initially expressed concern: “Do‬

‭ I have to do all of that?” This reaction underscores the importance of informing students in‬

‭ advance about the test's structure and offering the option to complete it in parts—particularly for‬

‭ younger students or those with challenges in concentration.‬

‭ After overcoming their initial hesitation, the student engaged with the test diligently, appreciating‬

‭ features such as the option to replay audio for difficult tasks. They experienced several‬

‭ moments of success, which motivated them to complete the entire test in one sitting. The‬

‭ process took approximately 45 minutes, which was notably efficient.‬

‭ Immediate Feedback and Insights‬

‭ One of eGrader’s strengths lies in its ability to compile results directly on the teacher’s platform.‬

‭ This enabled me to review the outcomes with the student immediately after completion. The‬

‭ real-time review allowed me to provide targeted feedback, suggest strategies for improving their‬

‭ Finnish language skills, and highlight their strengths, which the test effectively revealed.‬

‭ In this context, eGrader served not only as an assessment tool but also as an instructional‬

‭ opportunity. The student described the experience as “comfortable and helpful,

” adding that the‬ test felt both challenging and rewarding.‬

‭ For remote students, offering verbal feedback in addition to the digital summary may enhance‬

‭ the experience further. This approach provides an opportunity to emphasize strengths and offer‬

‭ personalized guidance, reinforcing eGrader’s potential for supporting individual learning needs.‬

‭ Final Thoughts‬

‭ Both the students' experiences with eGrader and my perspective as a teacher were‬

‭ overwhelmingly positive. The inclusion of visual aids encourages the development of visual‬

‭ literacy, a skill increasingly valuable in diverse learning contexts. Furthermore, the test offers‬

‭ actionable insights for expanding targeted vocabulary, simplifying the planning of support‬

‭ measures and facilitating their integration into broader linguistic and contextual frameworks.‬

‭ Overall, eGrader is a highly practical tool for assessing language proficiency, particularly among‬

‭ vocational upper secondary students whose skills are still developing or are largely based on‬

‭ functional, everyday language use. It also demonstrates potential for evaluating school‬

‭ readiness and foundational concepts in younger learners.‬

‭ About the author:‬

‭ Aija Lund – Special Education Expert and Educator‬

‭ Aija Lund, based in Helsinki, Finland, is a special education teacher, guidance counselor, and‬

‭ expert in special pedagogy. She holds multiple degrees, including a Master of Education with a‬

‭ focus on special education from the University of Turku, additional special education and‬

‭ guidance counselor certifications from the University of Jyväskylä, a Master of Social Sciences‬

‭ (Tampere University), and a Master of Arts in Digital Culture (University of Turku).‬

‭ Currently, Aija works as a special education teacher at Helsinki Montessori School and Stadin‬

‭ Ammattiopisto, and as a part-time instructor for integration training.‬

‭ Through her company,‬‭‬‭ , Aija provides a variety of services, including:‬

● Literacy and math testing for various needs‬

● eGrader assessments for grades 1–9 and Finnish as a second language students‬

● Private and special education lessons, both in-person and remote‬

● Academic and career guidance‬

● Training and consultations on learning difficulties and support strategies‬

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